Fall 2021 Graduates Celebrate Together

Lessons learned about failure, fun, and support from others were cited as contributors to future success for the Fall 2021 graduates from the University of Pittsburgh College of Business Administration.
In the commencement ceremony held Friday, December 10, 2021, at the Omni William Penn Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh, about 40 graduates were individually recognized in front of family and friends. They were accompanied by Henry E. Haller Dean Arjang Assad, Interim Associate Dean Lawrence Feick, and alumni speaker John Voinski, a 2001 graduate and tax director of Geller Advisors.
“Being timid has not gotten anyone anywhere,” Voinski said in his remarks. “Be the first to volunteer. Ask for help when you need it – and lean on your family and friends.”
Acknowledging the challenges of the pandemic, he added: “You get through tough times by having great people around you. Today is a perfect moment in time to thank them. Also know that you’re now part of a larger family now. The Pitt alumni network is there for you. Make sure you engage them whether you’re in Lawrenceville or Jacksonville. Take advantage of that built-in network.”
Voinski, who has more than 13 years of developing tax strategies and wealth management, finished his remarks by encouraging the graduates: “Find the fun in all that you set out to do. I guarantee you will enjoy the journey. You’ve earned all the happiness of the day and I wish you many more.”
Dean Assad said to the graduates: “We are gathered to celebrate the graduates who have worked diligently to learn and create new opportunities. They have persisted through good times and difficult times. They have sacrificed for a better future — and that future begins today.”
In his remarks, Feick said: “I speak for all of our faculty and staff in wishing you much success and good fortune. We are proud of all that you have accomplished during your time at Pitt Business and excited about all that you will accomplish as you leave the friendly confines of Sennott Square. We look forward to receiving frequent updates about your personal, professional, and societal accomplishments and contributions.”
The video recording of the commencement is available on YouTube and the names of all the graduates are listed here in the commencement program. They were all encouraged to also participate in the Pitt Business commencement on April 30, 2022, at PPG Paints Arena.