Application deadline: Friday, March 23, 2018
The College of Business Administration is accepting applications for the position of First-Year student Team leader (FTL). The FTLs will assist instructors of the BUS 0010 – Your Academic and Career Success course. This position offers an opportunity to refine presentation, and communication skills, as well as teaching in both group and individual settings. It is a paid position with the following requirements:
- Must be a rising junior or senior.
- A GPA of 3.0 or greater is required
- You will be responsible for instructing at least two sections of the course, with the potential of working with two different instructors.
- Must be able to attend assigned class sections.
- Must meet with their instructor(s) on a weekly basis
- May be required to attend special events without advance notice
- May be required to review student assignments
- Must be available for training
Individual interviews will be conducted March 29 – April 5, 2018. Applicants selected for interviews will be contacted March 27, 2018 using the provided phone number and/or e-mail.
Mandatory Training for FTLs will take place either August 23 or August 24, 2018 for the entire day. Attendance is required.
All Pitt Business juniors and seniors are welcome to apply; however, first consideration will be given to new applicants (those who have not previously held the position) in order to provide the opportunity to the greatest number of Pitt Business students.
Questions can be directed to Mike Kijowski at